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Run / Walk Archive

OM’s Twelfth Run/Walk, 2014
Ossining Celebrates Another Great Run/Walk!

OM’s Eleventh Run/Walk, 2013
Back-to-Schol Tradition Continues with OM’s Eleventh Annual Run/Walk Saturday, September 21, 2013

OM’s Tenth Run/Walk, 2012
Ossining Community Sprints with Smiles to Celebrate OM’s Tenth Annual Run/Walk
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012

OM’s Ninth Run/Walk, 2011
Congrats to OM’s first place winners

OM’s Eighth Run/Walk, 2010
Another Huge Success!

OM’s Seventh Run/Walk, 2009
Starts the New School Year
on a High Note
on a High Note

OM’s Sixth Run/Walk, 2008
Hugely Successful Despite
Hovering Hanna
Hovering Hanna

OM’s Fifth Run/Walk, 2007
Community Chips in

OM’s Fourth Run/Walk, 2006
OM’s Fourth Run/Walk, 2006

OM’s Third Run/Walk, 2005
The third time’s definitely a charm
for Ossining MATTERS
for Ossining MATTERS

OM’s Second Run/Walk, 2004
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Along the Old Croton Aqueduct
Along the Old Croton Aqueduct

OM’s First Run/Walk, 2003
Community Speeds Along Aqueduct for Inaugural “Fun Run”
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